Nope, still not interested

World's Right; We're Wrong
What does this attitude toward the World Cup say about the U.S.? It illuminates many of our least flattering qualities as a nation, not least of which is a breathtaking incuriosity about the rest of the world....

Watch the clip of Johann Cruyff dekeing a Swedish defender out of his socks in the '74 World Cup, when the great Dutchman -- for the first time on a world stage -- feints right and backheels left in one bewildering motion. It's like witnessing the discovery of fire and is viewable by entering into any search engine the phrase Cruyff Turn, the name by which the tactic has been taught ever since.

Watch all these vignettes, and if you still don't like soccer, you don't like sports. You only think you do.

I looked up the Cruyff turn on If anything, I'm even less interested in soccer than I was before.


Patterson said…
Dear World,

You're all stupid. Here is why soccer blows:

1. The clock keeps running, and you have no idea when the game will end.

2. You can finish a game with a 0-0 tie in the playoffs.

3. Victory celebrations should not include pulling off your shirt and doing "snow angels" in the grass. Unless you're a hot chick.

Sorry, but you're all wrong about this game, and we won't like it until they do something about the clock, the lack of sudden death, and the feminine celebrations. We can get over the whole "can't use your hands" thing.

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