Bush League

Police Collect Bullet-Proof Vests For Soldiers

The local news is reporting this as a feel-good story about cops pitching in to support our troops. But you know what? This isn't a feel-good story, it's a goddamn embarrassment. We call ourselves the world's only superpower. We've allocated well over $300 billion to the war in Iraq. And we rely on donated vests to protect our soldiers?! This is what I've been talking about. Supporting our troops doesn't necessarily mean supporting our government. In this case, it's the exact opposite.


Patterson said…
It's because they do not care. It sounds cruel, but it's true. The only thing Bush cares about are his family, his power, and his money.

McCain '08

I'm curious. Does anyone else think it's a bad idea for Barack Obama to consider running for president already? Doesn't he seem a bit green around the edges still?

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